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Nokia new mobile soft... handskell, Advanced Device Locks, FLV Player v1.0, Ultimate Voice Recorder 6.1.2, Mobile RAM Booster v3.5

            :: Mobile Softwares ::

N73,E61,N95,N81, N82,N96,N76,N78,N79,N85,N97,X6,5800,N8 etc

Handy shell,
modifies your phones theme and Shell to re-create the
interface. This a good application for Earlier versions
of S60v5 e.g. 5800,5320.

N73,E61,N95,N81, N82,N96,N76,N78,N79,N85,N97,X6,5800,N8 etc

Advanced Device
Locks password protects your phone and specific

N73,E61,N95,N81, N82,N96,N76,N78,N79,N85,N97,X6,5800,N8 etc

FLV player
allows you to play .flv files on your mobile device

N73,E61,N95,N81, N82,N96,N76,N78,N79,N85,N97,X6,5800,N8 etc

Simple and a
very important Sounder Recorder application allows you
to record calls automatically in AMR or WAV format.

N73,E61,N95,N81, N82,N96,N76,N78,N79,N85,N97,X6,5800,N8 etc

Speed up your
Phone by Defragmenting & free up your Mobile Phones RAM.
This app really helps speed up your phone at times when
its gone real sluggish.